Jambo! (Hello in Swahili)
We leave today for Kenya. Please pray for our team of 28 as we travel - that British Air won't go on strike and that the volcanic ash situation would not affect our travels. It is obvious that God has something powerful going on because of the potential satan has created to prevent us from doing our work.
This team has worked hard and raised over $90,000 to be ambassadors the next 2 weeks for Baylor and moreover for the cause of Christ. Here is the link to the KENYA SPORTS MINISTRY TEAM BLOG.
Enjoy our daily reports.
With love from a grateful heart,
We leave today for Kenya. Please pray for our team of 28 as we travel - that British Air won't go on strike and that the volcanic ash situation would not affect our travels. It is obvious that God has something powerful going on because of the potential satan has created to prevent us from doing our work.
This team has worked hard and raised over $90,000 to be ambassadors the next 2 weeks for Baylor and moreover for the cause of Christ. Here is the link to the KENYA SPORTS MINISTRY TEAM BLOG.
Enjoy our daily reports.
With love from a grateful heart,