The past two weeks have been quite revealing to me personally. It all began with a new round of allergy testing. There are two methods of testing, one is a simple blood test and the other is a series of 48 pricks with antigen that cause reactions. This is the preferred method of my Allergist which precludes the immunotherapy (weekly shots). Here you see one of my arms after the test.
Now I have had allergies all of my life but this test revealed some allergies that I either developed recently or never knew I had. Food allergies! It was such a shock to hear that I was allergic to wheat, eggs, peanuts, citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit) and tomatos. So for the past week I have been ridding my panty of these things...I never knew how healthly I had gotten with all of the wheat/whole grain products (bagels, bread, spaghetti, noodles, etc.).
My other high allergies were mold and dust mites. They recommend that you wash and dry your sheets and all bedding once per week in the highest heat possible. So, I took that to mean that I needed to replace my 10 year old quilt and get a new one. This is the updated look of my log bed.
One last little note. Several of my friends are incredibly creative. I look at magazines and can tell what I like but rarely can do anything remotely resembling the project I liked. Here is a very primative attempt at displaying a family memory.
This is a picture of my paternal grandparents, Cecil and Eloise Scott. The background is one if my grandmother's handkerchefs. I am not sure how I ended up with them; but I am glad I did. I framed one and overlaid a picture and gave this to my brother for his birthday. Maybe one day, I will try this again with all the proper tools. I have the heart but I lack the patience or foreplanning to do it how it should be done. But maybe you can get inspired to display some old family memory.
Love the bedspread sister! You done good...also love the frame project--go Queen Crafty! Did Rick like it? So you have 2 pictures of you and TH b/c you wanted a close up and far away? J/k and giving you a hard time..thanks for blogging :)