Sunday, June 3, 2007

Wilds Wedding in the Forrest

I mentioned last blog that I went to a wedding in Asheville, NC. Actually, it was in the Pisgah National Forrest. Dathan proposed to my friend Regan (whom I met at Kanakuk over 10 years ago) there and they decided to get married there. He went out the night before and built a small alter. We all walked about a mile down a hiking trail to a waterfall. The weather was threatening but was dry ... until the wedding was almost over then, God Himself being in attendance, rained down "showers of blessing" on Mr. and Mrs. Wilds.

After a little shower, we carpooled to a place close to downtown Asheville called Homewood. It was built in 1927 and is located in the Historic Montford neighborhood. It was a beautiful place to celebrate with all the friends of the bride and groom.

Regan works at Grace Community Church as a counselor and Dathan is going to school at UNC Asheville. Congratulations Regan and Dathan was a beautiful, yet wet, wedding and a reception that celebrated your UNION.
Happy Honeymoon!


  1. what a beautiful wedding! Congrats!

  2. Please CALL me!...972-552-9538. :)
