Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring into Track

Spring time is known for two things in Texas, that is when the Bluebonnets come out and the prime time for track season. I have officiated track since I graduated from Baylor. Baylor Track is known as "Quarter-Mile U" because of our legendary track coach, Clyde Hart, and some of his star athletes who later enjoyed Olymipc fame. Michael Johnson. Jeremy Warriner. Reggie Witherspoon. I enjoy the individual effort it takes and it is a joy to see the human body in its prime. The PR - or personal record - will trump the place within the race. For the past four seasons, I have been one of the starters. For those who don't frequent the track...that is the one who starts the race - by shooting a gun. Here is a picture of me with Joe Moore, a long-time friend, at the 3A district track meet.

The picture below is in front of my cabin...such a great sight to wake up to or wind down with!


  1. So jealous of the bluebonnets you have! Although Michigan has a lot of tulips right now, we love nothing more than a beautiful bluebonnet. I guess yet ANOTHER reason to move back to Texas as soon as we can!

  2. P.S.- the "adam" here is Ash Jenkins. :-) We have a joint gmail account, but I guess when posting comments, it only notes the "adam" part of the email address. Just didn't want you to wonder who in the heck was commenting about bluebonnets. :-)
