The old hymn Great is Thy Faithfulness has several phrases that ever ring true..."strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow...morning by morning new mercies I see...all I have needed thy hand hast provided, great is thy faithfulness..." When I saw this sunset just outside my cabin, it reminded me that many times the Lord ends the day with a reminder of His power and love...then He turns around and starts the next day the same way. This morning, I read Romans 12:12 which says "rejoicing in hope" - so we ask the question, "How then should we live?" His answer is rejoicing in hope. That is the difference...we have hope...in Him, the creator and sustainer of life, the giver of all good things, the lover of our souls...the King Eternal. Rejoice in His "bright hope for tomorrow" today.
What a beautiful picture--you need to print it off and frame it! Thanks for sharing his beauty ...I miss seeing it at the Ponderosa.