Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kenya Day 1 goes the journal for Kenya. Remember you can get a play by play as we were there from the Kenya Sports Ministry Blog that the students wrote...this will be my own thoughts on several days.

Wes Yeary had a contact through the International Sports Coalition named Walter Machio. He has started this ministry and is walking day-by-day in faith that the Lord will provide what he needs. Here is a picture of Walter and me after one of our clinics.

Walter has contacts in schools, churches, and orphanages around Nairobi. We started our first day with a stop at the Maximum Miracle Children's Home in Katawa Sitdura. We met about half of the 64 orphans that live there. They each stood up to introduce themselves followed by "I love Jesus Christ" or "I know Jesus as my Savior & Lord." They were not ashamed to let Jesus Christ define who they are...unlike those of us who merely tell what we do.

He also has begun the Afrikan Junior League. It costs $100 for three months of soccer training for young boys (ages 4-12) - sort of like the American version of "select soccer." They strive to transform youth through whole life coaching...equipping them with positive living values building character and confidence. All coaches are unpaid volunteers that feel they have a duty to "give back" to the younger generation. They have begun a revolution to change the question
FROM "How smart are you?"
TO "How are YOU smart?"

We played for the better part of two hours leading clinics and classes at the Search Comprehensive School and then after school hours with the Afrikan Junior League boys.
Thanks to many generous donors in America we were able to give some balls to the school and some cleats to the boys (some of whom had played barefoot!).

My QT verses for this first day were:

Ps. 145:18
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in Truth.

Ps. 134:5
Thou hast enclosed me behind and before and laid thy hand upon me.

Almighty God, you certainly have your hand on Walter. Protect and provide as he gives and teaches and leads these young boys off the streets and into lives rich with possibility.

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